St Paul’s Church, Blandford Road, St Albans, AL1 4JP
Suggested donation £2 per person
Join a warm and friendly community with a shared interest in music.
Try out an instrument.
Come along and listen to a variety of local musicians and singers.
Take part in music making.
Craft activities for children.
Find out more about the history of Fleetville.
Teas and coffees.
Suitable for children and adults of all ages.
If you play a wind or brass instrument to grade 1 standard (or above) why not join the Fleetville Swing Band all-comers group?
Come along to rehearsals from 7.15-9:30pm on Tuesday 23rd February and Tuesday 1st March at Fleetville Infant School Hall (Woodstock Road entrance). Parents are very welcome to attend rehearsals.
For further information and music please contact [email protected] prior to attending.